Is there a way to have a show that has a different episode numbering from the scene match a different numbering as listed in NzbDrone
not sure how to explain what i am asking so here is an example
I have a Show called Bar Rescue and on the scene it lists the most recent episode as s04e06 but in ND that same episode is listed as s03e28 this is probably due to trakt or wherever ND is sourcing show info from
Is there a simple way to redirect an episode with a different number so i can say ND will grab s04e06 but will know it is actually s03e28 according to it’s records and will rename and move it accordingly
I tried looking into changing on the xem website but i haven’t got the slightest idea on how to do it so far i have had to resort to downloading the episode manually then renaming manually before placing in the Drone factory