MediaCoverService not able to retrieve posters

Just installed Sonarr on Ubuntu via mono. Everything seems to be working fine expect that I can’t get the posters to download from When I try this manually, the link seems legit and I see the poster, however I get the following messages in the log.

MediaCoverService Couldn’t download media cover for [282670][Narcos]. The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. 9:18pm
HttpClient Failed to get response from: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. 9:18pm

My ~/.config/NzbDrone/MediaCover/number/ directory is empty, so I get the warnings about not being able to find poster.jpg.

I have searched the forum and have only seen suggestions to remove the posters.jpg and have Sonarr recreate the posters, however my problem is that I don’t have anything to delete.

Obviously, this isn’t urgent as the rest seems to be working fine however it would be nice to get this sorted out.
Any ideas?

Unfortunately there isn’t anything we can do here as TheTVDB is rejecting it, it may be temporary so its worth trying again later (refresh the series), though Sonarr will automatically refresh every 12 hours.

Thanks Markus101.

I figured out the problem and hopefully this will help others that may be experiencing the same issue.

My Linux box is configured to use openvpn for all internet activity. When I manually try to access the theTvdb jpeg through the vpn, I am sometimes challenged to prove I am not a robot before being able to see the poster. When I try to access the theTvdb jpeg with openvpn disabled, I am presented with the jpeg without having to prove anything.

I just tried refreshing the series with openvpn disabled, and voila! all the posters were successfully downloaded without issue.

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This was my problem as well. I just started having this issue a couple of days ago. I was wondering if that was the problem so today I tried disabling my VPN and it loaded the missing images without a problem.

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