Media info based folder sorting?

I’m new to Sonarr, as of today.
I have a peculiar setup when it comes to sorting my shows.
My TV shows are sorted in to folders based on the following criteria
So my folders typically look like this.
…\TV-1080p\Arrow\Season 04\Arrow.S04E01.1080p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv
…\TV-720p\Arrow\Season 04\Arrow.S04E08.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv
…\TV-DVDRiP\Full House\Season 04\Full.House.S04E01.Greek.Week.DVDRip.XviD-SAiNTS.avi

with one exception being anime
…\TV-ANiME\Avengers Assemble\Season 02\
…\TV-JP-ANiME\Durarara!!\Season 02\Durarara!! - S02E19 - [044] - [1080p].mkv

Now, I see that Sonarr is able to sort based on Series name and Season under the Root Folder for the show.

For ny japanese Anime that is fine. I can just specify …\TV-JP-ANiME as the root folder, and I dont care what quality goes there. The higher the better of course.

For my TV-Shows however, I would like to sort them based on quality.

Now, I’ve used FileBot for renaming shows, and it supports some nifty features.
For instance, my naming format for TV-Shows is set as
…\TV-{hpi}\ {n}\Season {s.pad(2)}\ {n} - {s00e00} - {t}

and for anime its
…\TV-JP-ANiME\ {n}\Season {s.pad(2)}\ {n} - {s00e00} - [{absolute.pad(3)}] - [{hpi}]

{n} = showname
{s} = season (.pad(2) specifies that I want season numbers padded to 2 numbers)
{hpi} = resolution eg: 1080p
{absolute} = Absolute release number

In this case {hpi} sets the quality based on resolution. It doesnt do HDTV-1080p, but straight 1080p which I prefer.
So based on that it can look at the show and put it in the correct quality folder based on actual resolution in the file.

Is there any way for me to set up Sonarr to sort based on quality?
(and as a secondary question slightly off topic: Can I get it to rename quality with resolution only?)

If it isnt, I’ll just have to have Sonarr do all the downloading to a secondary folder, and do rename and move from there manually.

Sonarr only supports a single series folder, so this folder structure is not possible.

You can choose what is used when including the quality in a file name on the quality settings page.

Thanks. I’ll have to continue sorting my TV-Shows manually then.
And wow, I am not sure how I missed that fact about quality Title. Thanks a lot! :smiley:

Alright, so after figuring out that I can change what the quality says I did a little test.

I went in to Settings - Media Management, and under standard episode format I set the following renaming option:
TV-{Quality Full}\ {Series Title} - S{season:00}E{episode:00} - [ep{absolute.000}] - [{Quality Full}]

I then took the following video out of the season folder, and added it to the drone factory folder:

Now, since you can’t have the same title on 2 different quality definitions, I had to set up WEBDL with the title 720p - [WEBDL].
Just as a test for now.

I didnt change the Root folder for Family Guy, so it was still
…\TV-ANiME\Family Guy

Guess what happened.
The file was renamed and moved, and everything ended up as follows:
\TV-ANiME\Family Guy\Season 14\TV-1080p - [WEBDL]\Family Guy - S14E01 - [ep] - [1080p - [WEBDL]].mkv

So with a bit of tricky thinking, I can get it to do what I want.
Only deal is that I can’t have the same title for 2 different qualities, but I’m halfway there. :smiley:

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