Mass Rename

Is there a way to have nzbdrone rename all the files if I make a change to the naming convention?

not right now, series level is as high as it goes. there is a card in trello that should cover this when implemented

I voted on the card, but would really love to have a mass rename feature, it is very cumbersome to rename show by show, especially since the back button does not remember the previous page scroll position.

You just replied to a 1.5 year old thread.

Ok, what is your protocol for replying to old threads on the same topic?

Some boards lock old threads if they do not want them to be replied to.
Some board admins get mad if people start new threads when there are already open threads on the same topic.
People that are subscribing to the old thread may miss out if new info comes along, regardless of how old the thread is.

Please advise, new around here?

Problem is that replying to old threads like this sends notifications to everyone in that thread even though the matter is closed for those ppl.

Second is that the trello card you supposedly voted for is live in master, and archived since december 2013, mainly because it’s already implemented. As M0UL said, it’s in the series editor, Organize button. :wink:

Ok, I understood his comment to be in the series’s editor, as in the editor for the series.
I did not find a mass rename option, where all files for all shows will be renamed at with one click.
I’ll go look again.

As for this thread and the trello card, if it causes admins and users stress, just lock and close, and avoid this type of confusion.