Make manual import as convenient as rescan drone factory folder

I often download episodes manually and place then in a specific folder so I use rescan drone factory folder from the Wanted window to import these episodes. I have the drone factory folder set but the interval is set to zero. I have used manual import to do this and it works but it takes about four or five extra steps.

Since you are going to remove drone factory at some point, please add some way to setup a 1-click manual import.

I just signed up to ask for some manual import love. I propose allowing users to define a list of directories they would like to have scanned on a periodic basis for missing importable media.

Also would be nice to give users the option to add new series that aren’t already in sonarr during a manual import.


The closest you’ll get is 3 clicks. Open Manual Import, select previously selected path, click import, no plans to reduce that any further.

That’s not what Manual Import is, that’s what the Drone Factory folder is and it’s being removed because it’s unreliable.

Is there a way to setup a link to open the manual import dialog with a specific folder?

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