Make adding existing shows easier

I have over 200 existing shows. Having a very detailed display (it also takes too much time to load) of each of my shows and clicking add to each one is not desirable.

Suggest a text based type of list with check boxes.

The load time doesn’t really matter, that information is going to be fetched from trakt either way, taking the same amount of time.

The add series page is supposed to be a confirmation page since matching by folder name is not 100% accurate. Unless metadata is present and support for scanning and utilizing metadata is added:

I do see an advantage to trimming the UI down though. Proposed:

I understand.

New but related issue.

When clicking ADD+ and after several series added sonarr hangs.
Tried several times. Same effect.

This seems like a valid reason to maybe implement a check box type of listing for adding series.
Select all at once the existing series to add (via check box then submit) and Sonnarr can take the time it requires without having to multitask.

The series prior to the hang does get added