Lost whole config after restart, now won't start

Sonarr version (20150731-Synology):
Mono version 3.10.0-4):
OS SYNOLOGY DSM 6.0 7321Build
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): Cant locate logs…

So - Sonarr restarted and when it came back it had no config what so ever.
No shows, no download clients, no indexers.

I tried restarting it again to see if it had just had an issue loading the config - but now it wont start.

Ive just enabled SSH access to the synology, but not sure where to find logs.
Not sure if an update has caused this or what? but DSM has recently upgraded as has mono.

Any help would be much appreciated - including where to find logs :slight_smile:

Found the logs - there is nothing beyond the RESTART command.
Can i enable debug or trace logging via SSH ?
Or am i gonna have to reinstall?

If you just updated to DSM 6 take a look at the other posts:


Beyond that you’ll need to make sure that the old configuration exists and the user running Sonarr has access to it. You may be able to ((backup)) the previous config or look for the ((log files)) via ssh.

I had forgotten it also borked itself after DSM 6

Solution for others in the same boat :slight_smile:

Sonarr doesn’t start anymore (for some people!?) after the update to DSM 6.0 on Synology NAS. It seems like Sonarr itself isn’t the problem, but the mono version Sonarr needs. Luckily there’s a mono version for DSM 6.0 and we just need to make Sonarr use it.
What you need:
Basic knowledge on how to use your Synology web front end
Basic knowledge on Linux (how to ssh, browse file directory and how to edit a text file)
Let’s do this:
We need to install the new version of mono first. Log in your Synology web front end and open the package center. Search for “mono” and you will find a not installed one with this logo. Install it.
If you haven’t already done, enable the SSH service: Control Panel -> Info Center -> Terminal & SNMP -> Enable SSH service.
Connect to your NAS via SSH.
Now we need to edit the the startup script of Sonarr:
sudo vi /var/packages/nzbdrone/scripts/start-stop-status
Find the following line:
and replace it with:
The path is case sensitive, so be sure to have a capital M in “Mono”.
That’s it, now hopefully your Sonarr will start again.
Sources and Thanks:
Thanks to the guys in the Sonarr forum and the community on Github who figured this out.

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