After an update my login isn’t working. This has happened a few times before, and was easily fixed by just manually editing the config.xml file. This time though, there is no username and password in the config file. What to do?
I know it should be moved from Program Data folder after reading another post…
The credentials are now stored in the database (nzbdrone.db). The password is now protected as well.
At the moment there isn’t an easy way to reset it, except by disabling authentication directly in the database then changing the credentials.
The ability to reset your password is something I’ve been thinking about recently, but in the mean time, if you PM me a link to your DB I can clear out the password and you can get up and running.
EDIT: Never mind, we kept the toggle for the authentication type in the config file just for this purpose, you need to change:
Thanks a bunch for your reply! Shortly after I added my post I just decided to whack the config file all together which did the trick and reset the auth.