Log errors importing files

Hi all, I’m new to Sonarr (moving over from SickBeard) and all has gone well so far except I keep getting the following error in my logs even though the file is in my library. This is happening for several series in my library, not just this one.

ImportDecisionMaker - Couldn’t import file. /Volumes/Media/Media/TV Shows/anger.management.s01e01.bdrip.xvid-demand: File doesn’t exist: /Volumes/Media/Media/TV Shows/anger.management.s01e01.bdrip.xvid-demand[12:00]

I’d appreciate any assistance.



Does that file actually exist?
Does the user running Sonarr have read + write access to it?

Well on a second check that file doesn’t exist and the episode info says it’s downloading but it isn’t so I can only assume it was abandoned for some reason. Is there a way to clear the purple downloading bar from an episode and change it to “Missing from disk”?

There about 6 more log entries the same for files that DO exist and that are showing as SDTV in the episode folder (hope that makes sense) in Sonarr ? In fact Sonarr snatched several of them! They seem to be getting picked up in a regular scan as they appear in the log files every minute or so.

Remove them from your download client as that’s where Sonarr gets episodes to import from.

For the ones that do exist on disk, check the permissions for those files/folders Sonarr can’t access them so it treats them as missing.

That seems to have sorted it. Thanks. :smile:

Really loving Sonarr btw! Great work

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