Localhost:8989 website is unavailable

So, I woke up today, without changing a thing and it will not let me connect to my Sonarr account. Every time I try to connect to it, it says,

This webpage is not available


Not sure what changed or how to get Sonarr back up online. Hope someone can help.

Is Sonarr running? You’ll need to make sure its running so the web server is available to display the page, check the log files.

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Yes, it is running. I can pull up the log files, but I’m not sure really how to read them. It appears it started to fail last night, early this morning.

Same and duh ofcourse i looked that it was on, havent touched the pc with linux. New update or something?

NzbDrone.Core.Configuration.InvalidConfigFileException: /home/abc/.config/NzbDrone/config.xml is invalid, please see the http://wiki.sonarr.tv for steps to resolve this issue. —> System.Xml.XmlException: Root$

In logfile.

config.xml file is empty.

I am on a mac. If that matters. Hoping you can help. Thanks!

Start by looking for any errors. Try restarting Sonarr and then looking to see if there are new errors.

The config is empty, because it was corrupted somehow. You can delete it and it will be recreated, or ((restore)) it from backup.

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Ty fixed it the update must corrupted the config file or somehing else did.

Mine is still not working. abcdefg hijacked my post, glad he got his shit worked out, but it’s still not allowing me to access sonarr.

As I stated previously, look at the logs for errors. We can’t help until we know what the issue is. Clear your existing log files, restart Sonarr and post the log file to hastebin.com.

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