Local Sonarr running properly with seedbox

Sonarr version (exact version): V4
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):Docker
OS: Seedbox / unRAID
Description of issue:

I am getting my butt kicked trying to figure this out and this is my last resort. I have my media library on my home unraid server. I have sonarr up and running on docker, on the same local server.

I use a seedbox to download. I have it working where sonarr sends it to the seedbox and renames the files, but sonarr then transfers the files to my local server. when it renames it.

I would like sonarr to send the download to qbittorrent on the seedbox, rename/hardlink the file to a TV Shows folder when completed and then I will worry about syncing it locally. I have another user that pulls shows from the seedbox so having sonarr sync it to my local server is not ideal.

Is this doable? Will it know that it has downloaded the file, once its finished / hardlinked on the seedbox or would it not be until it was in my local library that it would then be complete?

Sonarr will see the file seeding on the seedbox, but will internally still see it as missing until the file is on disk.

Using sshfs is the recommended way to handle this, Sonarr will import the file (which for seeding torrents in this case would be a copy), the file will be left there for continued seeding and anyone else that grabs the file.

If sshfs isn’t possible, syncing will work, but it’s important that Sonarr doesn’t try to import partial files so you should either have your sync tool append to the extension or sync to another folder then move to the location Sonarr will import from.

You’ll want to use a remote path mapping to remap the path that your download client reports to one that Sonarr can import from.

Okay, gotcha. I thought I had something mapped wrong. I have my seedbox mounted with rclone mount.

I was hoping I could get sonarr to take a finished download, then rename / hardlink it to the TV folder on the seedbox, then from there it could sync it or I could sync it. but I will work around it.

How does the importing work? it seemed rather slow though that could be how I have it mounted. does it go 1 file at a time? I might be better off just letting sonarr download and I can manage renaming and syncing on the backend.

Sonarr imports one file at a time.

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