Loads forever with a time out error

I have it running on a pi and trying to access from the web interface on my pc gets me an error that links to this http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#timeout and just a spinning load screen. I’ve tried restarting the service and it takes forever to come up with anything other than page not found. Eventually I get the timeout error again though. I’ve tried skipping the front page and going straight to calender or other pages but I get the same error.

And…Its working fine. No clue what fixed things but it seems fine now. Would still appreciate advice on what caused it though.

How many series do you have in Sonarr?
Which version of Sonarr?

114 Series though not all are currently airing so I can trim that down if there is a soft limit.

You should upgrade to the latest version, there are a lot of fixes in it, one issue we did have was during a refresh it would cause the UI to load slowly, not sure if it was still an issue with 2594 or not though.

114 series isn’t much, some people with 500+ series have had some issues though.

Well I’ve updated and still haven’t had issues so thanks.