Link to Radarr in the top right

Had a random thought. Could we get a link to Radarr in the top right of the page?

I know they are separate projects but it would be a nice integration and easy to implement. Just need the logo and a setting to allow people to input the URL for their Radarr server.

Obviously Radarr would need to reciprocate with a link to sonarr for it to work well.

Just my 2c.

I’d argue that’s what your bookmark bar is for. :slight_smile:


I agree with @_Rogue that some reciprocity would be a great thing, and to also include Lidarr in the mix.

FWIW, though, I do use my bookmarks bar to connect to all of my fancy media stuff:
(L-R: Plex, Transmission, Deluge, Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, Tautulli, Jackett)

Yeah I kinda hate bookmark bars. To me it’s wasted screen space. I access everything via autofill. Sonarr is the top result for S and Radarr is top for R.

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