System.DllNotFoundException: libmediainfo.so.0
at (wrapper managed-to-native) MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo:MediaInfo_Delete (intptr)
at MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo.Finalize () [0x00000] in :0
however I have installed both mediainfo, and libmediainfo. This is running on a 64bit slackware linux distro, so the file exists in /usr/lib64 and I suspect nzbdrone is looking in the 32 bit folder /usr/lib for this file. Even when making a symlink from the /usr/lib folder to the /usr/lib64 file it still doesn’t clear this alert. Any ideas?
You could also try symlinking to the folder where NzbDrone.exe is as it will also look there. It could also be that the 64-bit file is incompatible with drone since its 32-bit, though I know for OS X its the same file.
symlinking doesn’t solve the problem. Since this is Unraid 6 i’m hoping to find a way around this so I can update the plugin. I’ll see if just installing the 32 bit equivalent fixes it but i’m not sure if 32 bit libraries work on 64 bit architecture…
do you know if there is any way for extra debugging for this type of problem? I am not sure why drone is ignoring the version installed, but the log files just show that the dll is not found with no further info. Version installed is 0.7.63 x86_64
Thats likely to dump a lot of information out, so it may be tough weeding through the output (best to redirect to a file), but you should be able to search for: DllNotFoundException in the output and get some information on where it tried to look.
I found the problem, the dependencies for mediainfo were missing, specifically curl, and libmms. I’m going to update the unraid plugins so that users will have the ability to parse video qualities on Unraid now. Thanks!
I actually just tried to run mediainfo from the command line and it threw an exception with missing dependencies. It needed curl, libzen (which i had already), libmms (never heard of this one before), and libmediainfo. After adding curl and libmms, mediainfo throws out the version number if run with no options from command line, and then my shows started being found/matched in drone.
I ran the command you listed above before as well, because that shows any missing dependencies for mono specifically. Unraid seems to have a nearly perfect install now, except for the owin errors about “u0027Culture should not be empty”.