Kodi showing Sonarr notification but not updating library

Hello everyone! new user here!

I set up sonarr and kodi together, everything is working fine. However when i download a tv show through sonarr, I get the notification on Kodi that it was downloaded but the library isn’t updated in Kodi. I’ve looked through the forums here and tried to find a solution but was unable to…

can anyone help?

Thank you!

here is the debug log starting from the episode download, to the kodi notification


I’ve been trying to fix this for the past 2-3 hours and it’s driving me crazy! :stuck_out_tongue:

Is Update Library enabled in Sonarr’s Kodi settings?

Please post a screenshot of your Kodi settings.

Yes it is

Here is the screen shot

The gui notification works but not the library update

Looks like there is either an error or something unexpected coming back from Kodi, please pastebin trace logs of an import so we can see the response from Kodi.

Here is the same debug log updated to trace


Trace logging needs to be enabled when Sonarr is attempting to update the series, changing the log level doesn’t alter historical logs.

oh ok sorry, i will get on it right now and post it asap!

here is the trace log


Which version of Kodi?
Is the Kodi TV Show library empty?

I think I see where the issue is, but would like to confirm.

The version of kodi is 14.2 Helix

And yes the kodi tv show library is empty because i cant seem to add anything from Sonarr, as it won’t update to Kodi. (there’s actually no tv show menu item yet since no tv shows have been added)

I know i can do a full scan of the drive (I don’t know how to do a folder scan) and it will add whatever tv shows \ video files to the “tv show” library… but i would like to find a solution so that Sonarr can do it automatically and update it in Kodi

The issue is the response that Kodi sends because the library is empty, with at least one series in Kodi’s library it will update properly, but in the current state Sonarr can’t.

I’ll get a fix out for the underlying issue into a future release though.

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