Sonarr is set to notify Kodi and update its library on new downloads. The notification portion is working, and as far as I can tell from the debug log it’s successfully updating. Yet new episodes are definitely not in the library when I go check. I have to force a video library scan to get them to show up. Also, I’m not seeing anything related to a library update in Kodi’s logs for the times the Sonarr logs show updates happening. No errors in either of them as far as I can tell.
You’ll need to check the KODI logs as Sonarr is telling Kodi to update, which appears to be successful.
Is this what I’m looking for? That’s right at the time the download finished.
Looks like it. Odd that it takes 0 seconds, though there wouldn’t be many files.
It took 5 seconds when I manually ran the library scan on Kodi. The debug log for that one shows hundreds of lines of it skipping unchanged directories and finding the new files that didn’t get added by the Sonarr-initiated scan. It seems when Sonarr tells it to scan it’s not actually running it at all.
The process hasn’t changed in Sonarr and according to Kodi’s docs their API hasn’t either. Sonarr gets the series information bad from Kodi, find the matching series, by matching TheTVDB ID (or the exact title) and updates the path that Kodi reports for the path (not the series path that Sonarr uses as that may not be accessible from the machine running Kodi).
Yeah, it’s really strange. Judging by Sonarr’s logs it appears to be getting the correct TVDB ID and telling Kodi where to find the episode, but nothing at all happens on Kodi’s end. I created a thread on their support forum, but they’re usually pretty adamant about not discussing some third party apps, especially those dealing with torrents/NZBs. I’m not really expecting a response. Will probably just end up setting Kodi to update the library every X minutes.
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