KAT changed addresses

Hey is there any way to add custom torrent sites? Kickass was taken down today and is not up yet. Others need invites or logins. Any advice? I also cannot get eztv to work correctly. Thanks guy, awesome program will be donating soon!

kickass torrents have moved to kickass.to

ahhh nice thank you, I missed that

Is there away to update the address in Sonarr? Itā€™s still not finding any torrents.

When you click on the indexer tab in settings and select Kickass Torrents thereā€™s a website URL field you fill in. Make sure you type http://kickass.to I tested it and torrents are being picked up with this small change in the address.

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Working perfectly! Thank you so much.

Yep thanks guys, any advice on getting eztv to work?

As far as Iā€™m aware EZTV RSS has been down for a few months now, and the devs over there wonā€™t give an ETA on when it will return. As far as I know you can only get EZTV to work when they fix the RSS issue. If anyone knows of another way, please share.

The test is failing when I enter this URL, error message ā€œUnable to connect to indexer, check the log for more detailsā€. Any ideas?

my log has the following exception

System.Xml.XmlException: ā€˜Content-Typeā€™ is an unexpected token. The expected token is ā€˜"ā€™ or ā€˜ā€™ā€™. Line 4, position 18.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowUnexpectedToken(String expectedToken1, String expectedToken2)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseAttributes()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom(XmlReader r)
at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom(XmlReader r, LoadOptions o)
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options)
at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.EzrssTorrentRssParser.PreProcess(IndexerResponse indexerResponse) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Indexers\EzrssTorrentRssParser.cs:line 22
at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.KickassTorrents.KickassTorrentsRssParser.PreProcess(IndexerResponse indexerResponse) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Indexers\KickassTorrents\KickassTorrentsRssParser.cs:line 19
at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.RssParser.ParseResponse(IndexerResponse indexerResponse) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Indexers\RssParser.cs:line 40
at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.HttpIndexerBase1.FetchPage(IndexerRequest request, IParseIndexerResponse parser) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Indexers\HttpIndexerBase.cs:line 197
at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.HttpIndexerBase1.TestConnection() in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Indexers\HttpIndexerBase.cs:line 211

https://kickass.to works fine for me

kickass.so is down, and kickass.to is blocked by my ISP (United Kingdom)

Is there a way to use a web proxy like : http://www.webproxy.net/view?q=kickass.to from within sonarr - as this would solve the country blocking problem

I tried using it via settings and testing the connection, but at the moment I get the error

Unable to connect to indexer: a name did not start with a legal character 38 (&) Line 34, position 91.

Kickass.to seems to work fine for me on BT? You could always use a VPN, the kickass.so domain was seized if you search the Whois records it says ā€œBANNEDā€.

Nope, kickass.to is blocked for me - Iā€™m stuck with talktalk (was nildram)

I get redirected here:


Strange I am on BT and that URL is blocked.

Any body a member of the other invite only sites and fancy giving me an invite :smiley:

Iā€™m only a member with speed.cd - pity there is no support with sonarr

Oh well, back to buggy sickrage it is

This one worked for me! Also on BT and kickass.to was block!


Works a dream :smile:

Nice find :smile:

Works perfectly. Back to sonarr I go :slight_smile: