Karma's a B*tch!


Not sure whats missing… Nzbdrone hands off the download to SAB, but does not seem to import/move it later when its done. Also there does not seem to be any communication or update after it starts. It does show its downloading… just no progress bar. Just ends up sitting in SAB.

I did update Sab to 0.7.18RC1 day or 2 ago. (but other episodes have made it thru ok)

Drone is at

I have had other episodes getting thru without any issue so I thinking this title is just getting over looked due to its naming.

You’ll have to enable debug logs to see exactly why its not importing, but possibly the file name doesn’t match thetvdb name and it can’t be imported: https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/FAQ#why-cant-nzbdrone-import-episode-files-for-series-x--why-cant-nzbdrone-find-releases-for-series-x