Just bouncing circles on the UI

I am using sonarr on Ubuntu 14.04. It stopped crashing, but then I started having strange issues with sonarr moving my directory around. I kind of fixed that, but now the the web interface doesn’t work. It just shows the bouncing circles on the top, and “Sonarr Ver.” in the middle, with no version number or other text. If I kill sonarr and restart, it happens again. A reinstall didn’t seem to help. Any ideas?

Check Sonarr’s log files.

It says that the database is malformed. I have tried several of the backup databases, but they are yield the same error messages.

I think the issue is the version of sqlite. To try and fix the problem of constant crashes, I had gone to Trusty proposed. When I downgraded back to the usual kernel it also downgraded sqlite. This older version probably couldn’t read the backup database from the newer version.

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