Issues with Sonarr and Sabnzbd installed on different machines

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Running on Windows
OS: Windows 8.1
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:
So here is the issue. I transition my Sabznbd installation over to a rasberry pi so I can have an always on sabzndb running through a vpn. My NAS is hooked to my windows machine.

I setup so that Sabnzbd on the rasberry pi downloads to an SSD that is connected to the rasberry pi, once the downloads are completed and the files are extracted they are then moved to the NAS which is mapped to the rasberry PI via share drives.

Problem here is that Sonarr is installed on Windows and when Sabnzbd reports back to Sonarr that the download is completed, it reports back with a linux unc path and not to where the files have actually been moved to. For Ex:

[/mnt/tv/Name.of.Show] is not a valid local path. You may need a Remote Path Mapping.

Thus no renaming of files happen, and the files get stuck in queue in Sonarr under activity until I remove them manually.

I tried looking up remote path mapping but haven’t been able to find a how to do on this. In this something that can be fixed or something I will just have to live with.

I could just move the Sonnar installation over to Raspbian but don’t know if I will encounter similar issues there as well.

NVM found my answer within Sonarr…

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