Issues with restrictions

I am having issues with the restrictions.

For example, i don’t want sooner to download release from “Immerse”, so i put "Immerse in the “Must not contain” field.
When i do, an error shows up in the logs:

Invalid request Validation failed:
– Either ‘Must contain’ or ‘Must not contain’ is required

But i just filled in the “must not contain” field.

What is happening here?

Did the restriction get highlighted properly? Try typing in immerse then hit space, before hitting save.

Yes they are (green or red, depending on which field)
Still getting the error…

I’m not seeing this behavior in the latest develop release. Which version of Sonarr are you running?

I’m am running Sonarr Ver.

Should i use the dev version instead of the master version?

Probably a good idea to add a screenshot.

Do you mean a screenshot of the error Message?

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