Issue with Synology > Docker > Sonarr using DownloadStation

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Synology - Docker

Hi everyone, I’m facing a setting issue, and don’t really know how to solve it.

On my local HDD, I have these paths:

/volume1/nas/downloads (DownloadStation downloads folder)
/volume1/nas/series (My series folder)

In my docker config, I mounted folders as:

/docker/sonarr > /config
/volume1/nas/downloads > /downloads
/volume1/nas/series > /tv

When I sh the container, I see and browse both downloads and tv folders. My sonarr series path is /tv and they’re all properly listed and monitored.

I set DownloadStation to download my torrents, but here comes the issue, torrent is properly sent to DownloadStation, when when it’s trying to move to the serie folder, sonarr gives me an error:

No files found are eligible for import in /volume1/nas/downloads/The.Last.Dance…

I understood Sonarr is trying to read a local folder, not a mounted one in his container. How to make work with his path /downloads instead of /volume1/nas/downloads ?

I have 2 settings that could be the thing:

The remapping path in Download clients:
Remote Path /volume1/nas/downloads/
Local Path /downloads/

And the download path of my DownloadStation configuration:

But it says downloads is not a valid shared folder. Can you help me to find the way for Sonarr and DownloadStation communicate properly ?

If you have volumes mapped in Docker then you don’t need to also do remote path mapping in Sonarr. Remove them from Sonarr, save settings, restart Sonarr, and see if the issue continues.

Also, if Download Station is already downloading to /downloads, then you don’t need to add it to the directory option in Sonarr. So you can remove that too.

download station is a synology nas package so its using the host, sonarr is in a container

dont set the directory in the download station client entry, leave it blank

in sonarr under settings > download clients (at the bottom) you need to add a remote path mapping for your download station client from /volume1/nas/downloads/ to /downloads/ that should let it remap the incoming path to something it can see

note that your original config looked ok. are you sure that download is actually valid? its not a zip file or a lnk file? sonarr cant process those

im presuming download station (the app, not the entry in sonarr) is set to download to /volume1/nas/downloads? if you’ve left it at the default of downloads then youll need to change the volume mapping in the sonarr container and map /volume1/downloads (and not /volume1/nas/downloads) to /downloads - presuming the downloads shared folder is located on volume1 and not another volume

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Thanks to both of you. I tried first the @ilike2burnthing solution, but back to same issue. As suggested by @rhom, remapping the folder did the trick:

you need to add a remote path mapping for your download station client from /volume1/nas/downloads/ to /downloads/

Another solution was given me on reddit in the meanwhile, that I like too, is mapping the download folder with same structure as my local folder in docker, and to have a different mapping. Instead of

/docker/sonarr > /config
nas/downloads > /downloads
nas/series > /tv

Change it with:

/docker/sonarr > /config
nas/downloads > volume1/nas/downloads
nas/series > /tv

In this situation, no need to remap the folder in Sonarr, and all work fine.

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