Show is “Ask This Old House”. It downloads but then won’t find a matching title (I’ve put in on the Scene Name form).
Is the scene exceptions where this belongs or somewhere else?
Other shows include: Woodsmith Shop (posted as WSS), This Old House (poasted as TOH). <-- I’ll add those too the scene form if that’s the correct procedure!
Log snippet:
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Handyman Shows-ATOH-S13E10’
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. handymanshowsatoh - S13E10
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Handyman Shows-ATOH-S13E10
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: Unknown v1
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: S13E10
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|ParsingService|No matching series handymanshowsatoh