Issue Importing Snagged Episode

Show is “Ask This Old House”. It downloads but then won’t find a matching title (I’ve put in on the Scene Name form).
Is the scene exceptions where this belongs or somewhere else?

Other shows include: Woodsmith Shop (posted as WSS), This Old House (poasted as TOH). <-- I’ll add those too the scene form if that’s the correct procedure!

Log snippet:

15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Handyman Shows-ATOH-S13E10’
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. handymanshowsatoh - S13E10
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Handyman Shows-ATOH-S13E10
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: Unknown v1
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: S13E10
15-1-11 18:50:51.7|Debug|ParsingService|No matching series handymanshowsatoh


Yes, if its a title mismatch between TheTVDB and what’s being used when its being released then that’s where it goes (and you’re getting the series title not found).

The scene name is not ATOH, its Handyman Shows-ATOH, if we just added ATOH it wouldn’t work, it has to match the whole string.

Ok. I’ll submit all of these that are snagging but not importing w/o manual intervention. Thanks once again Markus.


Thats not uncommon (and in our FAQ for that reason):

Ah. Thank you markus. That DOES explain a lot. I’m working on submitting all these stupid names the ngs posters use.