Issue grabbing So You Think You Can Dance US (Wife is not happy!)

Hey all. I’m kind of in the dog house right now, so I’m hoping you can help me out on this one!! :smile:

My wife watches “So You Think You Can Dance US” (TVDB ID: 78956) and NzbDrone seems to have a difficult time finiding it for a week or so after it airs. I think this is because most of the time, the earlier releases are named “SYTYCD” instead of the full name…

I looked through the scene expection spreadsheet and I do see the show in there, but it’s spelled out, so I was wondering if that would be the proper place to add the acronym name alongside the full one? Hope that makes sense.

Here’s part of the log from NzbDrone:

14-8-18 14:46:14.2|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 4 indexers for [So You Think You Can Dance : S11E12]
14-8-18 14:46:15.9|Info|FetchFeedService|Finished searching Usenet Crawler for [So You Think You Can Dance : S11E12]. Found 0

But if I do a manual search for “[SYTYCD][1]”, it’s there!

Any suggestions on making NzbDrone search for BOTH names by chance?

Any help to smooth things over so I don’t have to sleep on the couch tonight would be greatly appreciated! lol

Thats not a scene release and its poorly named. drone will likely have issues parsing it even if there is a scene exception for it, not something we’ll be able to fix easily, best off to use another mechanism to get it at this time.

Thanks Markus. You’re right about drone not being able to parse it correctly. That’s unfortunate because this is one of those shows that is frequently referred to by the acronym, rather than the full name because it’s such a long title… It’s too bad there wasn’t a method to tell drone to look for both for these (or add a “custom” name field that the user can fill in, that still ties it back to the original somehow).

Thanks anyway. I’ll just grab it manually. Luckily the season is about over anyway, so only a few more weeks of sleeping on the couch I guess! Haha! :slight_smile:

Interesting idea, mapping acronyms to a show though?

So You Think You Can Dance.

Nice feature idea possibly?

Map filenames to existing shows in your drone GUI.

Thats bound to cause issues one day, someone will have a show that when acronymized will match another title and will grab/import something unwanted.