Is it possible to strip "the" from titles?

Hello all,

I have Sonarr running in a docker in Unraid, and it works fine more or less. I have a feature question and I don’t know if this is possible or already implemented or what - I am far from a power user.

Is it possible to have Sonarr or Sabnzbd or what have you strip out the leading “the” from the titles of TV shows? IE, if I get a show called “The Confidante”, is it possible for it to create a folder called “Confidante, The” or “Confidante” instead of “The Confidante”? I don’t care about the actual episodes, only the series folder name.

Thank you!

Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
By: linuxserver/sonarr

(I didn’t include debug logs because nothing is broken, I am just asking a how-to).

Click on the Question Mark (?) next to the Series Folder Format field. It shows all the possible options you can use. One of the formats you are asking about (Title, The) is listed there.

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Well, that was easy. Thank you so much!

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