Invalid episode issue / rtorrent finished torrents

Hey all. Over the past week or so i have grown to really love this app. It is fantastic! Only two things so far.

If an episode is named: “Hell on Wheels 202 episodeName” It won’t recognize that it’s season 2 episode 2. The actual torrent name is named correctly ie: s02e02, But the file name is not. Therefor it will just keep copying the file into the new directory for me over and over again.

The other thing is, I use a seedbox that uses Rtorrent. This is already a known thing probably, but it doesn’t delete the torrents once they are complete. But i can do it manually from the activity page if i do it before it finishes downloading.

Thank you!!

Check ((debug logs)) to see how Sonarr is processing it, does the file name contain anything at the beginning or end in square brackets, if so its getting treated as anime, which we have a fix for (will be in the next release).

Expected behaviour unless the torrent has finished seeding and Sonarr is set to remove completed downloads.

it does have [ettv] at the end of it just before .mp4… maybe thats the reason. do you guys have nightly builds that i can compile? i have some programming background if you are looking for some assistance.

So is the reason I’m having the issue due to there being [ettv].mp4 at the end of my file name?

Yes, and it was already fixed a couple of weeks ago on develop, released to master yesterday iirc.

Yes, released yesterday.

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