So here’s my setup.
- Freenas (BSD) running plex and sonarr
- HDHomeRun Prime (3 tv tuners, ready to grab all the TV i can handle)
- WIndows machine running Emby (media Browser 3) and MCE BUDDY
- Plex clients everywhere
I am currently using Emby to schedule my recordings and then hand them off to MCEbuddy. Once the commericals are chopped and the file is compressed, the final file is dumped into a folder on my NAS. it…is…awesome.
For those not too familliar with Emby, it has many of the features of Plex and acts much like plex…,It has an episode programming guide (EPG or TV Guide) to show me all of the channels, show names, brief description of the plot, air dates…etc…My method right now, is to look in Sonarr to see what’s missing, and grab the shows i desire by setting it to record within Emby. Is there a way i could programattically bridge this gap? I’d love to force Sonarr to grab missing shows via my Tuners by searching the EPG automatically, and then sending a recording request to the Emby API (a .NET / C#, and open source project!)
I cant begin to tell you how many gaps this would fill for the episodes nobody seeds, or the tv shows that are taken down from newsgroups. This is the missing link.
anyways, here’s relevant links for people interested in my setup.
HdHomeRun Prime
Emby Media
How many people would flock to this idea