Install on Fedora 24 - SOLVED

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue:
Not yet installed
Mono = 4.2.4-2
Linux, Fedora 24
Problem installing

I have been reading through the forums on NZBgeek and sonarr sounds good. Would like to give it a try but ran into problems installing it. I looked also at the git-hub but that appears to be for development only.

I have been through the forums but can’t find anything relevant. Looked at the wiki entry for Fedora 20. Some of the items won’t install. Also, it was written for 20 and before. Quite a lot has changed since moving to 24.

Followed the guide to get gpg key and install new repo. All of that worked. The following could not be found:
mediainfo libzen libmediainfo gettext mono-opt mono-opt-devel

If anyone has any info or help it would be greatly appreciated. Links to tut’s would be great

Thanks in advance,


Not sure how to mark this solved. Read FAQ, couldn’t find how.

Anyway, I decided I wanted to try sonarr really bad so I used the wiki info and made changes accordingly. I now have it installed and running on my Plex server.

Is it possible for me to update the wiki info on installing to Fedora 24. I have never done this so if the answer is yes, please include some instructions :slight_smile: If it would be better I can write it up and submitt it to whoever handles this. I love Fedora and would like to make it easier for others to use sonarr on it as I am doing.


Ok, figured it out.

Fedora 24
Mono-Project repo

Error: cannot be found.


<dllmap dll="MonoPosixHelper" target="$mono_libdir/" os="!windows" />

$mono_libdir is set to /usr/lib/ for some reason, should be /usr/lib64/

So change that and it works (at least for me). Don’t know if this breaks anything else, I don’t use Mono for anything but Sonarr.

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