I’ve been having a consistent & recurring issue with Sonarr’s episode numbering, while I was away on vacation over the last week it got a little out of control so I thought I’d post to support. Previously it only seemed to be switching the episode number with the season number, but there seem to be some exceptions to that, here’s a quick rundown of what it did while I was away:
- ShowA, Season 2, Episode 1 aired.
-Sonarr got it, then labeled it as Show A, Season 1, Episode 2 (swapping the season & ep #)
-It then proceeded to move the original “Show A S1E2” to the trash folder & replace it with the new incorrectly labeled file.
-Since the new episode was still considered Missing, Sonarr repeated this 22 times. - The same thing happened with three other premieres, but then it gets a little more interesting.
- Show B, Season 4, Episode 3 was labelled as Season 1 Episode 4.
- Show C, Season 3, Episode 5 was labelled as Season 1 Episode 3
All said and done I came back to 96 files in Sonarr’s trash folder for a total of 6 episodes that were mis-labelled.