Hi there. I recently set up Quality Definitions for 720p and 1080p content. For HDTV-720p I set a maximum quality of 1.8GB but Sonarr did not grab a 1.6GB show. It wasn’t until I set a maximum of 2.2GB did it grab the show. The following are screenshots to show my testing method. I went up in 200MB increments until it grabbed the file. Shouldn’t a maximum limit of 1.8GB have grabbed the 1.6GB file? Why did I have to slide the slider up to 2.2GB? This sounds like a bug to me.
Original HDTV-720p Quality Settings:
Manual Search window showing file details
Rejection error
Quality Settings
Upped the HDTV-720p Quality Settings to 2.0GB:
Quality Settings
New error message
Upped the HDTV-720p Quality Settings to 2.2GB:
Download Success
Final quality settings