Importing SDTV

I just switched over from sickbeard. The naming scheme of the episodes was “Show.Name.Ep Name.SD TV.ext” Where the quality would be “SD TV” and not “SDTV”.
Now nzbdrone doesn’t recognize the “SD TV” for SDTV and since some episodes have a .mkv extension the file goes as a HD-720p. Now I am stuck with manually changing the quality.
Any help is appreciated.

The quickest fix would be to rename them in SB using SDTV and then import them in drone.

We plan to fix this by using mediainfo to check the resolution:

@markus101 said:
The quickest fix would be to rename them in SB using SDTV and then import them in drone.

That’s the problem SB allows you to add the quality in the file name, but the quality would be “SD TV” with a space, instead of “SDTV” which drone recognizes.
Anyway, thanks and +1 for the mediainfo thing

Oh, weird, I figured your use of “SD TV” was a choice, not the only way, first time I’ve had this issue reported.

I’ll take a look and see what I can do to make this issue go away.

thanks man and no it isn’t by choice sickbeard inserts quality into file names as follows:

qualityStrings = {NONE: "N/A", UNKNOWN: "Unknown", SDTV: "SD TV", SDDVD: "SD DVD", HDTV: "HD TV", RAWHDTV: "RawHD TV", FULLHDTV: "1080p HD TV", HDWEBDL: "720p WEB-DL", FULLHDWEBDL: "1080p WEB-DL", HDBLURAY: "720p BluRay", FULLHDBLURAY: "1080p BluRay"}

If you find a way to make this issue to go away then it will help people migrating from SB.

Awesome thanks, pushed the fix to develop.

Thanks man that was quick