Hello all,
I had this setup right and then did something stupid and changed it before making notes of what was the correct way to do something. Basically one time I had it setup so that I could have sonarr pull from my seedbox the files that after it downloads them, but now all I get is the errors like, “couldn’t process tracked downloads” and “not a valid windows path” if somebody would please look though these pics and see if you see something off. I am able to get sonarr to tell my seedbox to download for me it just is not getting the content from the seedbox to my home like it once did. Also incase people are wondering I have restarted it several times and stop and restarted it several times, also I do not have sonarr running as a service. I have provided a few extra screen shots in there that is not really needed but only included them to show I have other aspects of sonarr i.e. the link between it and my rutorrent running on my seedbox correctly. Finally I am using the program “Webdrive” as my remote path mapper.
Edit: Please my final post on this topic for my final answer.
Host is the same IP/hostname used for the download client.
Remote Path is the common part of the path reported from the download client (this is the path that will be show in the error message saying why its failing to import).
Local Path is the path that Sonarr can use locally to remap the path reporting by your download client.
I think i have it all set up now, JonP helpmed me out alot. I do have one question, after looking at the FAQ I would have thought I would have used something like this for local path:
“\ \ 109.40.xxx.xxx\downloads\Seeding\TV” but instead I am using “E:\downloads\Seeding\TV” did I read the FAQ wrong, I was thinking that I needed to use UNC naming convention for the Local Path I guess I am wong? Also I am on a windows PC, if that makes a difference.
For anyone out there that comes across this page these was my final settings, also my problem, at least for me was the program “webdrive” it did not seem to want to play nice with sonarr. Webdrive seemed to randomly work and not work for me thus causing all the problems that I had. I am now currently using the program “Netdive” which is free for one connection, which works for me.
Host: my seedbox’s Ip address
Remote Path: /home/user/downloads/Seeding/TV/ "this will be slightly different for everybody out there"
Local Path: E:\downloads\Seeding\TV\ “this will be slightly different for everybody out there”