Imported 1080p file seen as 720p

Hey there, i recently got around to importing some of my old files, and so far everything was going well, except when i got one set of 1080p files. I set it up as a new series, told it to look for HD-1080p and had it scan the disc. When it found them, it thought it was HDTV-720p.There was nothing in the old naming scheme to suggest it was 720p, so i am confused as to why it would see it as such. It’s not a huge issue, i changed the status to say it was 1080p so all is well. Just something weird that popped up. I was wondering if it is possilbe to have sonarr go back and rename it show that it is 1080p.

If there is nothing to indicate its 1080p then MKV will default to HDTV-720p, so it depends on what information was available to Sonarr when it was importing the file.

You can rename episodes in one series on the series details page or all series on the series editor page.

Ahhh ok i got, also found the renaming option. Thank you very much!!

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