Would love to see nzbdrone import trak.tv watchlists
Trakt integration in general would be very nice, I think we should be able to pull this info in as well, its already on our Trello board: https://trello.com/c/v0MyY4Mv/157-trakt-integration
Ok cool, didn’t see how to search the trello board, apologies for redundant post. I’m guessing when movie support is eventually included it’ll import imdb lists as well (when their rss feeds actually work)
Directly from IMDB? Do they have an API now?
I believe they do: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1966503/does-imdb-provide-an-api and then the answer of Krinkle(first one).
I don’t know how CouchPotato does it? Since there is the option of adding a watchlist it should import.