I’m working on making the transition from SB to Sonarr. My folder structure is as follows:
/storage/television/{Show Name}/{Season_##}/files
When choosing import series I have to feed it the /storage/television location for anything to be found. I cannot just choose a show subfolder? Just makes the list long to populate to import something way down in the list.
The second issue I have is that the shows it did import all the markers are showing as every episode complete. So for the series it will show a Green 167/167 when I know there is missing episodes. Drilling down to the season level it shows all seasons full even though the list clearly shows missing episodes.
This a bug, or is there something else I need to do to have it re-count episodes?
EDIT: This is running on Ubuntu, if that matters.
Looking good by the way. Hope to have it all up and running this weekend.
Importing existing series is done by selecting the root folder, as you’ve done and selecting the series to import. You can add a new series and change the folder to match the existing series folder if you want to import a single series and not scroll through the list.
Sounds like Sonarr was set to ignore missing episodes. Which monitoring option did you choose when you added the series?
Thanks for the reply. That should answer question1.
For the episode count, on import I chose “Future” because I want it to grab future episodes but not worry about missing on disk. So I guess Sonarr is counting the ignored missing items as completed and the count then changes based on future additions.
I just want to make sure it gets future episodes even if one gets missed one week that it will continue to seek it out in the future and ignore what is “already” missing.
The episode count includes episodes with files on disk (whether or not they are monitored) and monitored episodes that have already aired. Since you selected Future only you have 167 episodes with files on disk and since the future episodes haven’t aired they aren’t included in the count.
Yeah, thats how it will work, it was Future from the moment you selected it, if a future episode is aired and isn’t available immediately it will be missing until it has been found and imported.