Import failure due to path mismatch; Sonarr mishandles Unix filepath

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: FreeNAS 11.3-U1
Debug logs:
Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /media/downloads/Chopped.S45E06.Just.Desserts.Celebrities.720p.WEBRip.x264-LiGATE[rarbg]

Description of issue:
In the Unix file path, to compensate for the ‘[’ character, there is an escape character ‘backslash’ which is added so what Sonarr is looking for doesn’t account for the escape character ‘’. As a result, Sonarr perceives a failed path and perceives no file. But the file does exist on a slightly different path reported by the OS.

What the host OS in the Sonarr jail sees:
ls /media/downloads/Chopped.S45E06.Just.Desserts.Celebrities.720p.WEBRip.x264-LiGATE\[rarbg]/ Chopped.S45E06.Just.Desserts.Celebrities.720p.WEBRip.x264-LiGATE.mkv

OK, I’m having to hand edit the above because the forum page keeps removing the ‘backslash’. In between LiGATE and [rarbg] is a backslash character in the unix path name as shown in the included graphic.

You can use backticks ` to escape when posting.

Which download client is this coming from? I don’t recall this coming up before as most paths reach Sonarr unescaped (which it’s expecting).

Thanks for the note. Client is qBittorrent v4.1.9.1

I was going to look at the changes for - Mar 13 2020 (pushed out in the last couple of weeks), but the github release page doesn’t have the last 2 bugfix releases:

root@sonarr:/media/downloads # getfacl Chopped.S45E06.Just.Desserts.Celebrities.720p.WEBRip.x264-LiGATE`\[rarbg]/
# file: Chopped.S45E06.Just.Desserts.Celebrities.720p.WEBRip.x264-LiGATE[rarbg]/
# owner: nobody
# group: nogroup
root@sonarr:/media/downloads # ls -ld Chopped.S45E06.Just.Desserts.Celebrities.720p.WEBRip.x264-LiGATE\[rarbg]/
drwxrwxrwx  2 nobody  nogroup  6 Apr  2 17:38 Chopped.S45E06.Just.Desserts.Celebrities.720p.WEBRip.x264-LiGATE[rarbg]/

Fixed after further investigation. :grinning:

So, this turned out to be a path issue. In a previous jail-based Sonarr, both Sonarr and Qbittorrent shared a physical host. I have since moved Sonarr into a docker container.

So, in Sonarr, Settings::Download Client::Remote Path Mappings, the remote host with Qbittorrent, the Qbittorrent remote path (e.g. /media/downloads/) and the local Sonarr path (e.g. /downloads/) in the docker container need to be mapped out. With this additional information, Sonarr is able to resolve the paths between the two hosts as they were slightly different.

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