IMDb link with sonarr and a problem with managing tv

It will be amazing to add support for IMDb link
And I have problem with sonarr managing TV show folder that I moved to another HDD
Can sonarr see that the folder moved to another HDD and managing it automatically

Sonarr links to IMDB when available, but thats the extent of the support because they don’t have an API.

Change the folder in Sonarr, edit the series or use the series editor.

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Thank for your reply
I know I can change manually
But I am asking if it can be changed auto or if you can add this to the sonarr to-do list
Since I change a lot of TV show folders I can’t track what show in which HDD

Moving the series via the Sonarr UI is something we have on the list, but Sonarr isn’t going to track changes on disk and automatically update the path.

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