Recently I seem to be getting a huge amount of torrent downloads from Sonarr for releases that are a few days into the future. The problem is these are all crappy releases designed to get you to download a fake codec with very real viruses. Is there any way to stop Sonarr downloading these? I’m not really sure why it’s hunting for things that aren’t released for another 3-4 days anyway…
Failing that, can you filter out certain file types? All of these fake releases are .wmv, which I don’t really want anyway.
I’ve already tried filtering them based on the release name, so far I have FUM, LEGiON and PLAYNOW, but every time you filter one out, there’s a new one.
Granted Heroes is tomorrow. But those episodes of Gotham and Limitless aren’t aired until next week.
I think I get what you’re saying, in that it’s just looking at the RSS feeds, but shouldn’t it ideally be filtering out anything that hasn’t yet aired?
How would I go about this? Can’t see anything in the wiki
Nothing is filtered out if it hasn’t aired, this would be problematic for shows that release a day early in one country vs another and are available from when it first airs, but the air date Sonarr knows about is the later date, or the air date Sonarr knows about is wrong. It also wouldn’t stop fakes from the same day, you could check time, but then would need to trust that the time for the series is correct, it usually is, but not always.
Both KAT and RARBG have options to limit which releases Sonarr will ask for, both are advanced settings, which you can set in Sonarr’s settings. If you’re using other indexers there isn’t much you can do, better indexers don’t seem to have this issue (I’ve rarely seen fakes).
I’ve turned off RSS against the indexer that was giving me all the fakes, which I believe should stop the auto downloading but still permit me to manually search?
Unfortunately both KAT and RARBG are blocked here, so I’m stuck with TPB which has a fairly reliable proxy. For some reason the only reliable KAT proxy ( ) I can find doesn’t work with Sonarr
EDIT: Huh, rarbg works… Looks like it’s going through an API site. I’ll use that for now.