Ignore deleted episodes not working

I’m not sure if this feature is still working but it was working for me in the past. AFAIK, the disk rescan interval is every 12 hours. I deleted the first episode of Minority Report since last week but I noticed that in the Sonarr GUI it is still listed there. Manually rescanning/updating series info in disk did unmonitor that episode though. So it seems that the auto rescan is not working.

How do I troubleshoot this?

You deleted the Series Folder itself?
And in what way is it listed in the Sonarr UI? as downloaded (with quality) or missing, is it monitored or not?

No, I just deleted the episode. In the GUI, the episode is still monitored and it sees that the file is still in disk. I noticed this for multiple of my series already.

You refreshed the series? Sonarr does that periodically every 12h hours for current series, longer for old ones.

As I said, I had to manually update the series info so that these particular episodes in question change to unmonitored. I know Sonarr does that every 12 hours (as indicated in my post) but it does not seem to do it in my case.

Ow wow, sry, completely misread a huge chunk of your post.

You could check the logs to see what happened with the series refresh. Not sure if you’re going to see anything, if something crashes you should see a Warn/Error in the log. Don’t think you see the refresh attempts unless you’re at Debug log level.

No worries.

Well, let me manually delete an episode that I already watched and wait for at least 12 hours while trace logging is enabled. I will upload the files to this thread by then to ask for analysis again. Thanks.

Trace level doesn’t last 12h :smile:

What do you mean? I thought trace level is higher than debug level so it already includes what debug level has? In another thread, I was recommended to run trace level for days and days until another issue occurs.

The amount of info retrieved in 12 hours surpasses the trace buffer. So it will purge the initial logs.

What is the difference in the trace log debugging scenario instructed by markus01 in my other thread here: Failed Download Handling problem ?

No difference at all, and the same argument as markus. The trace log lasts about an hour, so if the ‘event’ we’re looking for is older than that, you’ll have missed it.

Are you saying that trace logs only capture one hour’s worth of data and then the succeeding hours will be replaced? Is this true for debug logs also?

Effectively yes. Isn’t true for Debug logs.

Logging in Sonarr is done in a rotating set of x files 1 MB each, older log files will be deleted.

At the sheer volume of Trace level, 50 log files fill up quickly. At Debug level it doesn’t go that fast.

The point is, either you have to copy the log files no later than 1h after the refresh, or start with Debug level, see if you get anything useful.

Got it. And if I understand correctly, Trace level fills up 50 1MB log files for just an hour, right? I remember Markus saying that anything that is in the last 30 items of SAB will still show in the trace logs but I’m not sure if that matters in this case since we’re measuring time not number of history items.

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