Just started having a problem where Drone is pulling a file from the complete folder before Sabnzbd has completed the unpacking.
I have a folder called complete where Sabnzbd put the unpack files and the Drone picks them up from there. The probel is that Sabnzbd does not unpack first in the incomplete folder, it unpacks to the complete folder. This is the way it is designed and they say it is more efficent and that they won’t change it. So what happens is that Drone grabs the file before it is completely unpacked. I have turned on the switch in Sabnzbd to enable folder rename. This created the folder say _UNPACK_Law and Order SVU S15E03 HDTV x264-LOL in the complete folder and then after the file is completely unpacked rename the folder properly.
Can Drone be set to ignore a folder starting with _UNPACK… when it does it scan every minute of the complete folder?
Not sure if I am making sense but it is driving me nuts having to download manually all the time as I start to watch a show and it stops becuase not all of the file is there.
What version of drone are you running? UNPACK and FAILED folders are skipped if written to in the last 5 minutes. The reason its the last five minutes is to deal with SAB not properly renaming the folder sometimes (for whatever reason).
What OS are you using?
Is the complete folder on pool drive like DrivePool/DriveBender/FlexRaid?
I don’t have the folder rename option enabled and haven’t noticed this issue, but if write times aren’t being updated it could be a problem.
I am using I just turned on the switch for the folder name _unpack and was able to get all the shows completely. Before I didn’t have the switch on and I would get a 20 or 30 meg file. I am using a Synology server (linux) which SabnzbD and Plex run on natively through a synology package.