If no Release Group the file is beeing renamed to nothing?

i was testing with clinton-hall a extra option in nzbToMedia,
first we thought it was a error in the the new option but it seems to be a fault in nzbdrone.

when a file doesn’t have a release group,
nzbdrone removed the filename completly

even when i got the rename option turned off in nzbdrone.

the topic on github can be found here including debug logs taken from nzbdrone, nzbget and nzbToMedia

Yes, something was broken on the dev branch, but that’s been fixed a couple of days ago.

Edit: Are you sure you have auto-update enabled? it was fixed in

It’s enabled,
But I’m using/testing the torrent version :frowning:

ah, you should’ve mentioned that.

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thnx for the fast patch/fix