[IDEA] Enhance bar graph on Series page to show episodes and specials separately

Problem: I like to grab Specials for shows, but they are often missing, so while my shows might be complete (eg 123/123), my specials usually miss a lot (eg 2/11).
If I enable the Specials (ie mark them active), then the bar graph/totals count on the main Series page says I’m missing some shows but they are just the specials which aren’t so important. Eg, using the example above, the Series page would show 125/134 even though I actually have all the show’s episodes other than the specials.

Suggestion: either have TWO bar graphs (1 big, 1 small) side by side for the main episodes followed by the specials (eg … 123/123 then 2/11) or maybe some sort of combined single bar graph with say a thick black vertical line in the middle or towards the right side, with a graph on each side of the vertical line. That way, at a glance, we can see if we have all the episodes (or how close we are to having them all), and we can see the specials separately without them confusing the count and making it look like we are missing some episodes (but in fact are just missing some specials).


It’s an interesting idea, but at this time this is not something we’re going to consider.


Currently there is no indication when there is no air date. This means that series with special episodes missing that were not broadcast, are shown as complete. Even though the episodes are marked as wanted/monitored.

I think an easy (perhaps as a temporary fix), would be to make a special marker on or close to the progress bar when any of the special episodes that are marked as monitored are missing.

No air date means it never aired and won’t be included, whether or not thats accurate for specials makes a difference, but I’m not sure that we want to treat them any differently since Sonarr would have no way of knowing whether it was already released of is upcoming.

No but why would Sonarr need to know? Often these specials are only included in DVD releases. Many still become available some time. It would be nice to have Sonarr take them into account and also indicates it does.

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