Hey I am getting a “No files found are eligible for import” error after deluge downloads a show on sonarrs behalf.
Sonarr tells deluge to download the file fine, deluge then downloads the file, sonarr correctly tracks progress, then the download completes. Sonarr says that it cannot find an elegible file, and I have checked the paths and they are all correct.
If I just manually copy the downloaded files into drone factory it then processes fine so I thought I would just use that method, but I cannot get completed download moving to move the downloads to the drone factory folder via deluge (just does nothing).
Any ideas on how I can solve this?
Here is an image with pretty much all the relevant info I think. All config stuff
Permissions is a likely cause, does the user running Sonarr have the correct permissions to read the files? There is a video file there, right? Not just a set of RAR files?
CDH imports the files, drone factory isn’t involved at all when CDH is used.
I just added an image with all my relevant config. It happens for any downloads, and no they are not rar files or anything. I was trying drone import as an alternative to the normal way.
Sonarr needs to be able to figure out which series the file belongs to, that file doesn’t contain the season/episode information required for importing.
PS Smaller images would go a long way, that image is too wide to view on one screen and gets too small when zooming in.
Oh so even though sonarr knows that that file was downloaded because of a download request for MythBusters 2016x04 it still requires it to have the correct name? That’s a bit weird, since it already can infer that it is the correct file.
Also this happens to everything, not just that file.
People normally prefer one large image, they can just mouse around it in their browser at whatever zoom they like that way without having to look at 10 separate images.
Deluge reports /mnt/user/Media/Currently Downloading/Cooking Chaos as the path. Does the docker image running Sonarr have access to that path? Its not listed as a mapping in the docker config. (If you SSH into the docker image for Sonarr can you cd to the path?
/Media is mounted to /mnt/usr/Media So you should be able to create a remote path mapping in Sonarr to mount the remote path /mnt/usr/Media to the local path /Media.
It looks like I may have mapped the /downloads directory to the wrong folder. I will try changing it to where the downloads are finishing (currently downloading) and see if that fixes it.