How to start download with rTorrent?

Hi everyone! My Indexer and Download Client (rTorrent) are tested "SUCCEEDED. My status show episodes missing from disk… How to start rTorrent download after added new/wanted show? Please advise and thanks alot

p/s: do i need to setup TorrentBlackhole too?

Take a look at the ((FAQ)) it explains how/when Soanrr will send releases to your download client.

No, only one will be used, usually the first on added (rTorrent in your case), adding in Torrent Blackhole will do nothing except possibly cause issues.

Thanks alot! I am getting this message:

06-28 09:39:48 Info Found 99 (0 new) releases from Avistaz
06-28 09:40:21 Info Checked for a updated release but none was found.
06-28 09:41:35 Info Checked for a updated release but none was found.
06-28 09:42:48 Info Checked for a updated release but none was found.
06-28 09:44:02 Info Checked for a updated release but none was found.
06-28 09:45:15 Info Checked for a updated release but none was found.
06-28 09:46:29 Info Checked for a updated release but none was found.

Is this why i am not getting the torrents file? Please advise and thanks again

i can manually search and download files from Indexer but Sonarr just won’t start after i click “search all missiong” in “wanted”. please advise

No idea, those aren’t logs from Sonarr (we never log Checked for a updated release but none was found). We’ll need the information requested when you opened the thread to advise further.

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