How to refresh season or episode info?

Anime series usually don’t get much info about episodes beforehand, and especially season separations are a pain. Naruto Shippuuden for instance has been jumbled around on the TVDB this weekend since someone decided after 20 episodes that 20 episodes ago a new season started. This means that the season layout was drastically changed since Drone imported it from TVDB. I’ve been trying to get the new season layout into Drone by manually clicking refresh on the series, but after refreshing, nothing seems to change. The same is the case in other anime where episodes are called “Episode 12” and later get adjusted to whatever the real title is.

Is there some way in which I can force Drone to do a full refresh of the content and thereby update titles and season layouts? Preferably without having to remove the series and then adding it again.

Drone doesn’t pull its data directly from tvdb, it uses trakt (along the same vein as this FAQ entry: drone will automatically refresh series/episode information every 12 hours. AFAIK trakt pulls data from tvdb daily, but VIP members can force the refresh via their site.

Refresh on series will pull the data in, but its not going to do anything until trakt updates its data.