Just switched over from Sickbeard this week. I will soon run out of space and will have to add a new drive. SO how do I setup up Sonnar with multiple directories?
I guess I can create a TV2 categories so that the new downloads can be processed, but how then how to I have sonar monitor multiple locations?
Or am I thinking about this the wrong way. I just have 80 series I know there are big guys here will much more than I.
Thanks in adavnce
You can define different folders for each series. e.g. you tell sonarr to save series 1, 2, 3 to E:\Series and series 3, 4, 5 to F:\Series.
No need to create a separate category for downloading.
Ofcourse you still need enough space on both drives to keep on saving new episodes for the shows that go there.
The alternative is to use software to “combine” multiple drives so your operating system sees it as a single big drive. This is a bit more advanced, but there are a couple of threads here that may help you. For example here: Multiple folders for one series
As explained in that thread, what you cannot do is have sonarr save a single series to multiple locations.
Best practice is also to take a backup before you begin with these tools. Better safe than sorry!
Pointing sonarr to different folders:
New: when adding a new series, you can create a new root folder by selecting “Add a different path”:
Moving multiple existing: if you want to move multiple series to a new path, this is the easiest from the Series Editor:
Here you can select multiple existing series and choose a new root folder, similar as when you are adding a new series.
Moving a single existing: open the series and use the wrench icon at the top.