How to move to Sonarr from SickBeard

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue:

I am not fully understanding on how to setup Sonarr like I had SickBeard.

HTPC1 - Is where my Library is stored (Shared Folder)
HTPC2 - is where Sonarr and SABnzb are installed. HTPC2 has a mapped drive to HTPC1 (Y Drive)

Can I have Sonarr download the nzb’s so that SABnzb can process them and have Sonarr mange the series via the MAPPED drive?

Sickbed gave me the option via the GUI to choose a mapped drive. I cannot figure out how to replicate that solution.

I have no problem doing a reinstall for Sonarr as I haven’t set up any shows yet.

Any help will be much appreciated

check out this tutorial that has sabnzbd and sonarr installation configuration. maybe will help you. I’ve used this tutorial successfully

You will need to use a UNC path instead of a mapped network drive, if you run Sonarr as a Windows service, or disable/remove the windows service for Sonarr and use the mapped network drive, you can use the startup folder to start Sonarr automatically (similar to how SB was probably being started).

I am getting there - I may just breakdown and install it on the same server as my storage just to make things easier…

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