History -> Queue is empty - feature not enabled yet?


Just noticed this page in the interface History -> Queue, but it is empty. Is this a feature that hasn’t been coded/implemented yet?

Update: interesting - I left my Chrome browser open on the History -> Queue page and went away for a while. When I came back there were entries displayed on the page, however the page was locked up (ie I couldn’t scroll or do anything else), So I did a refresh of the browser tab (F5) which returned me to the ND home page. When I went back to the history page, it was blank again!

Some sort of performance issue on the history page (only)?

Queue shows your download client queue, If nothing is here (TV only) then nothing will be down there.

A refresh would have reloaded the history page, haven’t seen that page freeze previously.

I’ll keep an eye on it and see if the problem goes away thanks.

I believe it’s just a lag issue … it’s working but because nzbdrone has sent hundreds of items into the sab queue, it’s taking a long time to show anything on the queue page.

Perhaps some sort of “wait” or “building page” message displayed would be good instead of the blank page? All good :slight_smile:

Paged the view so it won’t try to render everything at once, which should make it much faster. Due to the way the queue is stored its not viable to show a loading message, but thanks for the update.

Paged view is working well … thanks!!