So here I am, not missing usenet one bit, but still running and feeding NzbDrone on a daily basis. I’m just moving my completes to the old Sabnzbd’s download client directory and ND does it’s usual sort/dbupdate/qualityreplace thing.
I just asked myself if I had already replaced a 720p episode with the latest 1080p one and clicked on History, which only lists self-triggered grabs it seems. My request would be to also list those imports there, which found their way to the download directory via other non-selftriggered ways.
this is something I have planned for vnext a much more inclusive history, something more like journal. when files are grabbed, downloaded, imported, upgraded, deleted etc.
@kayone said:
this is something I have planned for vnext a much more inclusive history, something more like journal. when files are grabbed, downloaded, imported, upgraded, deleted etc.
@markus101 said:
You could currently look at Series Details to see which quality NzbDrone has record of.
Yeah, I just mentioned it because the History click is the intuitive one. One-stop-shop vs. deep-drilling.