Hello all, new member to the forums but not new to nzbdrone. I’m having an issue with post processing and my root directory folder. I’ve changed my root directory and nzbdrone is finding the series but under system it is still showing the old root directory, thus when I try and run my nzbtonzbdrone script the import is failing and not moving the files to the proper directory they get renamed but just stay in my sabcomplete folder. (This is also the folder where the nzbtonzbdrone script point to.
Is an added script such as nzbtomedia even needed with nzbdrone? I’ve had it working in the past the main issue seems to be that “system” still thinks it’s main directory is the old one. Under series the old directory has been deleted? Thoughts?
I just reinstalled nzbdrone and redid all my settings. Working fine now…nevermind.
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